Jon Adams

Viewing Agent

My name is Jon and I have worked as a Viewing Agent for 8 years. My main role is to interact with the clients when at viewings and provide them with any assistance I can. When I am not out and about, I am working in the office, helping out the sales team and assisting where possible to push the team forward. I feel my relaxed approach to our clients makes them feel at ease when making the largest purchase in their life. I am tall, 6ft 5 to be exact and I have a sweet tooth, which is my downfall, but my belly told me to sort it out, so I lost 3 stone last year and have managed to keep it off so far. I am a big family man and have 4 sisters and 1 brother and try to keep up with them as much as possible. In my spare time I enjoy swimming and boxercise. Oh! and if there are any nice ladies out there, I am single.